Le CCFM: Où le savoir rencontre la communauté

Comprendre et se préparer à la réalité de la démence
Jonathan Cheung: Owner of Appetite for Books, Chef, Culinary school teacher, Book Columnist on CBC 'Homeroom', and Dainty Rice Ambassador
September 17th 2024 at 12:30PM-1:30PM

De la bienveillance à la prise en charge : Le rôle des femmes dans l'histoire du Musée McCord Stewart
Kevin Vallely: Explorer and Architect
October 22nd 2024 at 12:30PM-1:30PM

Behind the Scenes at Canada Reads, CBC’s great Canadian book debate.
Lucy Mann: Producer of CBC Canada Reads
Catherine Leroux: Author of The Future, Winner of 2024 Canada Reads.
November 19th 2024 at 12:30PM-1:30PM

Staying Healthy and Protecting the Brain and Memory
Stephen Cunnane: PhD Professor of Medicine
Tuesday January 21st at 12:30PM-1:30PM

Smartphones vs. AI: Which has more profoundly transformed our society?
Jeremy R. Cooperstock: Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
February 18th 2025 at 12:30PM-1:30PM

The Bronze Shoes - Global Irish Famine Way
Mark McGowan, PhD: Professor of History and Celtic Studies Principal Emeritus - University of St Michael's College, Senior Advisor to President of St. Michael's College, University of Toronto
March 18th 2025 at 12:30PM-1:30PM

Women's Rights - Why Should We
Lindsay Glassco: President and Chief Executive Officer, Plan International Canada
April 22nd 2025 at 12:30PM-1:30PM

Financial Fulfillment - Wealth
Creation and Impactful Giving
Lindsay Hollinger: Vice President and Co-Founder Granite Family Office
May 20 2025 at 12:30PM-1:30PM
Our Gallery

Our History
Founded in 1907 by Lady Drummond and Mrs Elsie Reford, the goal was to encourage the preservation of Canadian heritage and history, and to introduce the early 20th century woman to a knowledge and understanding of matters of public concern in order to strengthen Canadian unity and identity. Among our many projects and contributions of the Women's Canadian Club of Montreal was the construction of a cenotaph in Dominion Square in memory of the fallen of World War I. The WCCM initiated and supervised the project and asked the City to erect the monument where it is still located today. As well as hosting a series of eight lectures, special excursions to a wide variety of institutions and historic sites are arranged each season, and special guest speakers are invited to our annual Christmas and Spring Luncheons. The Women's Canadian Club of Montreal, the first of several Women's Canadian Clubs across Canada, continues to further the goals of Lady Drummond and Mrs Elsie Reford
Devenir membre / Devenir membre
Devenir membre / Devenir membre
Nous accueillons de nouveaux membres tout au long de la saison.
Veuillez remplir le formulaire d'adhésion, le soumettre et cliquer sur « Acheter maintenant » pour payer les frais en ligne.
L'adhésion annuelle comprend 8 conférences pour 70 $.S’il y a des changements dans les coordonnées d’un membre, veuillez en informer info@wccmontreal.org
Les invités peuvent assister à des conférences individuelles pour 15 $ – inscrivez-vous dans la section conférences ci-dessus.
Recevez les annonces de conférences par email en vous inscrivant à notre newsletter !
Nous accueillons de nouveaux membres pendant la saison.
Veuillez remplir le formulaire d’adhésion, soumettez-le et cliquez sur le bouton PayPal«Achetez maintenant».
L'adhésion annuelle inclut 8 conférences pour 70 $.
Pour tout changement dans vos coordonnées, info@wccmontreal.org
Les invités peuvent participer à certaines conférences au choix pour 15 $ chacune - voir«enregistrement » dans la section«conférences».
Recevez les annonces par courriel en vous abonnant à notre infolettre.
Adresse postale /Adresse postale :
Club canadien des femmes de Montréal
P.O. Boîte 342,Gare Victoria,
Westmount, QC., H3Z 2V8

Pam Brydges

Marielle Wertheimer
Co-Chair, Education

Patricia Fox
Co-Chair, Speakers

Peggy Miller

Susan Simpson
Co-Chair, Education

Wendy Brennan
Co-Chair, Membership

Kirsten Katz

Margaret de Chazal
Chair, Hospitality and Venue

Karen Martel
Co-Chair, Membership

Jennifer Roman
Chair, Communications

Jane Wightman
Co-Chair, Speakers

Bonnie Fletcher
Chair, Archives
Vacant Positions
- Vice-President
- Chair, Special Events
- Members at Large
Interested in becoming a member of the board? Contact us at info@wccmmontreal.org or speak to a board member at one of the lectures.
WCCM Club Canadien Féminin de Montréal
Boîte postale 342, gare Victoria |
Westmount, Québec | H3Z 2V8 | Canada |